Miguel’s 224 Burpee Challenge! (Video)
My most recent Facebook contest resulted in me getting stuck with 224 Burpees on my to do list! I neglected to include a “one comment per person” disclaimer, oops…LOL!
(You can CLICK HERE to see the whole original Facebook post)
Needless to say – I had fun making this video for you guys, which I shot in one continuous take over the course of 30 minutes…check it out –>>
Marine Miguel’s 31st Birthday Workout
I had the best time ever in Vegas celebrating my 31st Birthday last weekend!
It was so fun playing roulette with my Facebook friends too! If you aren’t one yet go here:
Check out the view from our suite on the 31st floor (coincidence?) overlooking almost the entire strip:
Phenomenal view…right?!
Of course you know I had to work out…so in honor of my 31st Birthday I came up with a special workout for you guys. Make sure you perform my awesome Dynamic Warm-Up before this (and every) workout that you do.
Print workout & watch the video below to see me demonstrate it for you…
My favorite drink – coconut water!
My absolute favorite after work-out drink is Coconut Water!
Why? After training we become dehydrated causing us to lose electrolytes found in our body. We need to replace fluids and electrolytes regularly to help avoid headaches, muscle cramping, and fatigue. Coconut water contains some of the same electrolytes found in blood, and is a good source of Potassium.
Throughout history, coconut water has been used to prevent and treat dehydration — and it has been shown to be more effective than plain water for hydrating. Real Coconut Water is refreshing and delicious, and is a nutritional powerhouse, too (just see its nutrition label!).
Not all beverages are hydrating, either because they contain too much sugar or have caffeine, which is a diuretic (pulling water from our bodies).
Marine Miguel’s Dynamic Warm-Up
The number one reason for falling off the “fitness wagon” is laziness, but the second reason is INJURY! So if you are not lazy and want to avoid injury, do my “Dynamic Warm-Up” before every workout or run, it’s what I do, it’s what my clients do and it will save you unnecessary pain and suffering!
Marine Miguel’s Progressive Interval Treadmill Workout
It’s free work out video Thursday! This one is guaranteed to incinerate fat and really make you sweat! It will also pump up your metabolism with a thermogenic calorie furnace effect – lasting hours if not days after you finish it!
Play video for demonstration and print out exercise check list below:
Unleash the power of juice!
I made this delicious glass of Organic Celery/Green Apple juice today, and thought I’d stop and share with you some of the amazing and little known benefits of Celery!
Celery juice is highly nutritious and one of the most hydrating foods we can put in our bodies. Because it is incredibly alkalizing, it equalizes the body’s PH, which is vital for peak health. In ancient times, it was considered a medicinal herb used to treat a variety of health complaints. The minerals and vitamins and nutrients are in perfect harmony with each other. Celery leaves are high in vitamin A, whilst the stems are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C and dense in potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and essential amino acids.
This super food also contains important concentrations of plant hormones and the very special essential oils that give celery its characteristic smell. These oils help to regulate the nervous system, and are very calming.
Other Potential Benefits of Celery Juice
4 Tactics for Faster Fitness Results
Have you ever been frustrated over a lack of results from your workout routine? If so, you are in good company. Even the most seasoned athletes experience times when their results plateau.
When you continue to put in the same effort day after day with little or no results it is safe to say that you’ve hit your own fitness plateau. Your body adapts quickly to any repetitive routine (which is why I constantly change my clients workouts to keep the body guessing and changing). The definition of ‘insanity’ is to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results. This holds true for your workouts. When your results stop then it’s time to do something new.
I have good news – the following 4 tactics are guaranteed to crank your workouts up to the next level and to deliver the fast results you want!
Tactic #1: Focus on Negatives
Each time that you do a weight lifting repetition you are utilizing three types of strength. These are:
- Positive strength: the motion of lifting the weight.
- Static strength: holding weight in a contracted position.
- Negative strength: the motion of lowering the weight.
Most people completely miss the benefit of the negative in each repetition by allowing the weight to drop quickly with little control. It is understood that the negative portion of a repetition is just as important as the positive portion, and possibly more important.
Focus on the negative portion of each repetition by lowering the weight very slowly. Concentrate on the negative contraction, and make each repetition count.
If you are advanced, then use a training partner to assist you in moving heavier-than-normal weight into a contracted position, then lower it very slowly.
Another way to utilize negative repetitions on a machine is to lift the weight using two limbs but then lower it with just one. For example, use both legs to lift the weight on a leg extension machine, but then lower it back down slowly using only one leg.
Tactic #2: Do a Drop Set
Drop sets have long been used to fight off exercise plateaus. This technique is great for adding muscle strength, endurance and for increasing the cardiovascular benefit of your workout – resulting in more fat burn.
Here, in a nutshell, is how to do a drop set: When you perform an exercise to exhaustion, don’t stop there. Drop the weight by 80% and do another set.
You could take it a step further by dropping the weight twice, making it a double drop. Or drop the weight three times for a descending drop set.
Use this technique only once or twice per workout, on the final set of the exercise.
Marine Miguel’s 15-5 Workout
This week’s workout video is extra awesome – guaranteed to make you feel the burn and leave you in an increased metabolic (calorie burning) state for 12-24 hours after you complete it. Enjoy it and pass it on to your fb friends with a share below. 
Play video for demonstration and print out exercise check list below:
Marine Miguel’s Bun ‘n Guns Workout
It’s free work out video Thursday! This one is guaranteed to improve the booty and the arms….make sure you print the work-out below and perform it in the order indicated for maximum burn!
Play video below for demonstration…
Marine Miguel’s 110% Push-Up Challenge