How to build a killer obstacle course training wall!
It’s what you’ve all been waiting for!
Last week 2 of my boot campers and motivated Spartan Chicks (Candy and Jen) recruited their husbands (Mike and Tony) to build us a killer obstacle course training wall – inspired by Hobie Call himself!!
The wall is about 8 feet tall, about 6 feet wide, and is fully equipped with a “muscle-up bar” on one side and a “pull-up bar” on the other. It only took about 2 hours to build and the materials ended up costing us about 100 bucks – can’t beat that!
We posted a pic of the wall on Facebook and you all went nuts wanting to know the specs – so you could build one of your own… well, here you go!
Here’s what you’ll need to build your very own killer obstacle course training wall:
Toy for Tots 2011
Thank you all so much for your generous donations! I couldn’t fit all the hundreds of toys in the pic below as I collected the most toys ever this year.
You guys are AWESOME and the US Marine Corps thanks you!
As a side note I’m still collecting for next year so any new unwanted toys can always be dropped off with me at the gym.
Introducing – “Spartan Camp”
I’m excited to introduce and welcome you to SPARTAN CAMP!
This new section of my blog is a place for highly motivated Spartans and all obstacle racers past, present and future – who strive to get off the couch everyday and train for a Spartan Race or any other obstacle race!
It is my goal to provide you with the most relevant, useful and motivating information, quotes, videos, tips and workouts all geared towards helping you get off the couch and get to the finish line!
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Toys For Tots
I’m collecting Toys for Tots again this year! Please drop off as many unwrapped toys as possible to the gym as soon as you can for kids just like these:
Collecting toys for needy kids is a time honored Marine Corps service and I am proud to participate each year and I thank you in advance for your support!
Happy Birthday USMC
Every United States Marine (past, present, young and old) shares a birthday – November 10, 1775. It was on this day at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia that the Marine Corps was formed.
This day means just as much to us (if not more) than our actual birthday, so if you know a Marine, wish them a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Marines!
Semper Fidelis and OORAH!
I did a special work out today in honor of the 236th Birthday of the Corps, watch me in action and see if you can do it!
Indomitable Spirit: The 236th Marine Corps Birthday Message
Boot Camp Food Drive!
Hard to believe that next month is Thanksgiving already…but it’s true! Sadly, not
everyone will have enough to eat this year, over 50 million Americans live in
“food insecure” households of which 17 million are children.
I work hard every year to collect canned food for Ventura Food Share
( and now’s the time to get started – and YOU CAN HELP!
Where & When:
Monday October 10th
31125 Via Colinas #901
Westlake Village, CA
Come join my special event Boot Camp Class opened to the public – simply bring at least
one canned item or as many as you’d like and I will promise you an amazing workout in
exchange! If you can’t make it to class feel free to drop off your canned items to me
anyway and I will get them to the food pantry for you, I’ll be at the gym all day.
Are you ready Spartans?!
Let’s do this!
Saturday, November 19th in Malibu. This race is a Spartan Sprint so it’s the most novice
level race they offer at only 3 miles in length anyone can do it…join me!
I have registered us as Team “Miguel’s Boot Camp”, I signed up already for the 9:00AM
Start Time.
Use the link below to sign up – and enter promo code ATHLETE to save 10% – it’s selling
out fast so don’t wait!
Ready yourselves & see you there SPARTANS!!
Caught Cheating
You know the old saying, “Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win”…but when it comes to food and eating within strict guidelines there may be something to be said for cheating. What?! It’s true…
Some studies have indicated that your metabolism can benefit from surprise calories on a occasion and I think that having a ‘cheat day’ can provide mental relief for some people. So instead of saying to a friend at dinner on Thursday, “No, I can’t have cheeseburgers”, even though you want one – which feels depressing, you can say “I will have a Cheeseburger on Sunday, I’ll have a salad today”. A lot of people eat that way, with rules, to prevent over indulgence.
If you do decide to have a cheat day or cheat meal make sure it’s out of the house so you do not have to buy and store the tempting items at home.
I read an article once about a famous slim celebrity who said she rotates between a very strict diet for one
12 Easy Ways to Prevent & Treat Muscle Soreness
Everyone experiences sore muscles sometimes – it’s how you know you
really had a good workout right? Well, here are some awesome ways to
reduce your discomfort…
Things you can do before your training session
Hydrate – This should go without saying, but people forget. Drinking plenty of water is one of your best defenses against muscle soreness. I recommend 96 ounces per day to my clients.
Front-load your nutrition – The food you eat before you workout is the fuel that your body will use to repair your muscles. Make sure to get plenty of good nutrition the day(s) before a heavy training session. A good rule of thumb for your macronutrient ratios the day before training is 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fats. This should serve as a starting point for individual experimentation. The day of your training session you should be eating a diet high in protein, complex carbs, and “good, healthy” fats.
Wave Goodbye to Underarm Flab
Because Flab Ain’t Fab…
Many of my female clients have a major issue with “wing flap” syndrome – the loose area of skin beneath the bicep that tends to have a mind of it’s own sometimes!
Here are 5 very effective moves you can add to your daily fitness regimen with ease…and keep in mind that you will need to do these exercises daily for about 21 days before you will start to see awesome results.
One of the beacons of old-fashioned exercise enthusiasts, push-ups provide all sorts of benefits. To tighten and tone your underarms, you’ll want to place your hands close together on the ground. Once in the push-up position (on your toes or knees, torso straight and arms extended out to hold your weight above the ground), lower your body to the ground. As you go down, keep your elbows against your side. Once your chest touches your hands, push yourself back to the starting position, careful to keep your elbows by your side throughout the motion. Go for three sets of 8 to 15 repetitions each.
Looking for another easy triceps-shaper that you can do no matter where you are? Dips fit the bill nicely. To perform dips, find a weight bench, an ottoman or a couple of sturdy chairs. Facing away from the bench, bend down and place your hands behind you on the bench. Place your legs directly in front of you, the heels of your feet resting on the ground. Slowly lower your body until your arms make a 90-degree angle. Push yourself back to the starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times. Go for 3 sets.